February 2021- the last of the photos for the month which include hawks, red polls and owls!

February 2021- my attempt at some snowflake macro photography and photos of some red polls that visited my yard for the first time.

February 2021- more photos of birds and some macro shots of a gerbera daisy.

More finds near home this January: Bald Eagles, frozen waters, boathouses and birds!

January 2021- the year is starting off not too cold so we’ve taken a few strolls on trails. Pictured in this batch are some deer, wild turkeys, a hawk and a barred owl! Taken in SD&G.

Winter 2021- my winter photos start in December 2020. Included in this batch are a few nature photos from the Upper Canada Bird Sanctuary near Ingleside ON and some holiday photos from the Alight at Night festival at Upper Canada Village near Morrisburg, ON. #alightatnight #exploreontario